mendelson CA Service

If you find a site that is trusted by the mendelson CA or if you are using the keys/certificates in data transmission environment (e.g. EDIINT AS2, AS4 or OFTP2) it is required to put the mendelson CA root certificate (and the related intermediate certificate) into your trust store.

Please download these certificates from the following list.

Current root certificates:

  mendelson Primary Root 7

mendelson Public Primary Certification Authority - R7

Description: This root CA is the root currently used for TLS, data encryption and digital signatures. It is a 4096 bit root, signed with SHA-256. Please store this root certificate in your trust store.

Country = DE
Common name = mendelson Public Primary Certification Authority - R7
Organization = mendelson-e-commerce GmbH
Organizational Unit = (c) 2022 mendelson-e-commerce GmbH - for authorized use only
Serial Number = 5106024419142840424
Valid From = 2022-03-24 11:17:08
Valid To = 2037-03-20 11:17:08
Key Size = RSA(4096) Bits
Purpose = Certificate Sign, CRL Sign

  Download Root 7 Now (Right Click, Save As)

  mendelson Intermediate 7

mendelson Public Primary Certification Authority - I7

Description: This intermediate CA is currently used for TLS, data encryption and digital signatures. It is a 4096 bit certificate, signed with SHA-256. Please store this intermediate CA certificate in your trust store.

Country = DE
Common name = mendelson Public Primary Certification Authority - I7
Organization = mendelson-e-commerce GmbH
Organizational Unit = (c) 2022 mendelson-e-commerce GmbH - for authorized use only
Serial Number = 12382
Valid From = 2022-03-24 11:18:03
Valid To = 2037-03-24 00:00:00
Key Size = RSA(4096) Bits
Purpose = Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign

  Download Intermediate 7 Now (Right Click, Save As)

Old root certificates (still valid but no longer in use)

  mendelson Primary Root 6

mendelson Public Primary Certification Authority - R6

Description: This root CA is the root used for SSL, data encryption and digital signatures until 01/2024. It is a 2048 bit root, signed with SHA-1. Please store this root certificate in your trust store. Even if this is signed with SHA-1 it's the current selection for new certificates as there are many AS2 and OFTP2 products out that work with SHA-1 signed certificates only.

Country = DE
Common name = mendelson Public Primary Certification Authority - R6
Organization = mendelson-e-commerce GmbH
Organizational Unit = (c) 2016 mendelson-e-commerce GmbH - for authorized use only
Serial Number = 14424065360279851787
Valid From = 2016-06-29 11:04:31
Valid To = 2026-06-27 11:04:31
Key Size = RSA(2048) Bits
Purpose = Certificate Sign, CRL Sign

  Download Root 6 Now (Right Click, Save As)

  mendelson Intermediate 6

mendelson Public Primary Certification Authority - I6

Description: This intermediate CA is used for SSL, data encryption and digital signatures until 01/2024. It is a 2048 bit certificate, signed with SHA-1. Please store this intermediate CA certificate in your trust store. Even if this is signed with SHA-1 it's the current selection for new certificates as there are many AS2 and OFTP2 products out that work with SHA-1 signed certificates only.

Country = DE
Common name = mendelson Public Primary Certification Authority - I6
Organization = mendelson-e-commerce GmbH
Organizational Unit = (c) 2016 mendelson-e-commerce GmbH - for authorized use only
Serial Number = 42
Valid From = 2016-06-29 11:05:09
Valid To = 2026-01-01 01:01:01
Key Size = RSA(2048) Bits
Purpose = Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign

  Download Intermediate 6 Now (Right Click, Save As)

Revocation list

A certificate revocation list (CRL) is a list of certificates that have been revoked for several reasons, and therefore should not be relied upon.
  Download mendelson CA revocation list (Right Click, Save As)

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